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The following articles, videos and audios come from

Also, check out and

***Dress - An Issue of My Heart by Staci Osterman (SDA)- deeply spiritual article to help you understand the significance of our choices in dress. (Modesty, Femininity, Simplicity & Healthfulness)

Letter from the Guys - A groups of young Christian men write to young Christian ladies. (Modesty)

***Open Letter to SDA Sisters - What SDA Men Are Saying Tempts Them Most! (SDA) (Modesty, Femininity, Simplicity & Healthfulness)

Survey of Men on the Subject of Christian Dress - Very enlightening information. Must read! (Modesty)

The Modern Modesty Question by Ann Wood - straight-forward appeal for modesty (Modesty)

Are the Standards Too High? (SDA) Taking a look at God's standards as they relate to dress.

The Sin of Bathsheba - revised version of the article below with SDA perspective (Modesty)

The Sin of Bathsheba - written from a man's perspective. Helps women understand the reasons for modesty. (Modesty)

How Naked is Naked? by Gwen & Rick Shorter (SDA) Taken from the book "Thy Nakedness; Lord, What Shall I Wear?" Addresses the problem of the immodesty so prevelent in our society. (Modesty - Swimwear)

Balanced and Beautiful by Laurel Damsteegt (SDA) - Excellent for young women - covers a wide range of inspired principles of dress. (Modesty, Femininity, Simplicity & Healthfulness) plus more!

Is Nudity Modest? by Joe Crews (SDA) - (Used by Permission. Info on ordering book.) Addresses the problem of immodesty (Modesty)

Christian Women and Swimwear (SDA) - Discusses the suitability of modern swim suits for Christian women. (Modesty)

The Beauty of Feminine Modesty - an entire issue dedicated to Christian modesty from the publication Daughterhood by Design by the Brinley family (SDA) Two of the twenty articles in this issue are included below. Also on their web site is a Bible study on A Christian Lady's Dress. (Modesty & Femininity)

Feminism or Femininity by Lacey Brinley (SDA)- The Brinley Family's ministry, "Daughterhood by Design" is a refreshing resource directed toward Christian girls. We highly recommend it! (Femininity)

For Girls Only by Tina Brinley (SDA)- Tina is a home schooling mom, and gives excellent advice! (Modesty, Simplicity & Femininity)

Simplicity is a Gift! - (SDA) Discover the beauty of one of God's gifts as you explore the deeper meaning behind the principle of simplicity. (Simplicity)

Dressing to Please Jesus (SDA) - A spiritual appeal for us to dress to please Jesus, and not ourselves. (Modesty)

Modesty for Christian Women - Susan Theall - Very practical and Biblical answers to common questions (Modesty)

***Double Standard Exposed by Joe Crews (SDA) - (Used by Permission. Info on ordering book.) Addresses the problem of mixed swimming (Modesty - Swimwear)

Shame of Nakedness - Does God want us to to cast off the shame of nakedness? Many excellent biblical references regarding modesty. (Modesty - Swimwear)

Feminine Attire and Modesty by Pamela Spurling - Beautiful ideas (Modesty & Femininity)

My Flourishing Pride - an experience at church last Sabbath (Modesty & Simplicity)

Do you Obey Fashion? (SDA) - Considers several brief quotations from the Spirit of Prophecy, and what they mean to us today. (Modesty, Femininity & Simplicity)

Just What Is That Bride Wearing! by Hal Paxton. Very thought provoking article about the attire of a Christian woman. (Modesty)

Immodest Dress by Jefferson David Tant. Do women realize the power and influence they exercise over the thinking and actions of men by way of sexual attraction? (Modesty)

Sin of Nakedness - A Baptist pastor gives an excellent sermon on the importance of modesty.(Modesty)

The Religion of Fashion (SDA) Considering the world's worship of fashion may cause us to reconsider our perspective.

The Beautiful Way - by W.D. Frazee (SDA) - A marvelous sermon! Uplifting and deeply spiritual.

Audio and Video

***Dress Reform Part 1 by Dwayne Lemon (SDA) - A powerful sermon! The Holy Spirit is present in this message. Prepare to be transformed! CD's of this sermon, & part 2 are available for purchase from his web site. (Modesty, Femininity, Simplicity & Healthfulness)

Sermon on the Mount - Kingdom Character #3 by Dennis Miller (SDA) - An excellent sermon speaking about Christ's principles of purity and modesty. (Modesty)

The Language of a Christian's Clothing by Dr. S.M. Davis - A Baptist pastor preaches an excellent sermon on the biblical principles of Christian dress. While he doesn't have our complete message, this is still a very powerful sermon. He emphasizes, "If a person has the right inside clothing, he will eventually get the right outside clothing." (Modesty)

Death of Modesty, Part 1 and Death of Modesty, Part 2 (SDA) by Joe Crews. Excellent Radio sermons from Amazing Facts. (Modesty)

Dress to Live by Sally Sartin (SDA) - Sally speaks to her sisters in love and meekness on God's ideal for His daughters' dress.

NEW! Order Dr. Isaac Olatunji's dynamic 2 hour DVD, "The Truth About Jewelry and Adornment." An amazing presentation that will open your eyes! $10. Send check or money order to Dr.O Enterprises, Box 30033, 7000 Adventist Blvd. N.W. Huntsville, AL 35896 (Modesty, Femininity & Simplicity)

Does It Matter How We Dress? by Emma Biant (SDA) - A sweet and humble sister presents a heartfelt talk taken from the Spirit of Prophecy on this important topic. It can also be viewd on (Modesty, Femininity, Simplicity & Healthfulness)

Jewelry, part 1 - Video Presentation by John R. Cofer from Gospel of Health. (SDA)(Simplicity)

Jewelry - pdf article by John R. Cofer - outline from above presentation (SDA) (Simplicity)

***New!! Validating the Gospel in Modesty by Al Martin, Baptist. With a burdened heart, a bent knee, and an open Bible, Pastor Martin gives this earnest appeal to women for decided modesty of dress. The men, however, are not excluded in this message. Husbands and fathers are called upon to provide pro-active quality control for their wives and daughters. This earnest appeal includes: 1.) Ten magnets for men's eyes. 2.) Specific directives for women. Shorter version on YouTube - pdf document

Over 50 Audio/Video Sermons on Modesty! (Not SDA) These sermons have not be previewed by website owners, so listen discerningly.

Cover Your Nakedness - Video Presentation by Pastor Andrew Henriques along with Bible Study handouts. (Modesty, Femininity, Simplicity & Healthfulness)








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Shame of Nakedness

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